Title: (Question: What is Prayer?)
Spirit: John Hughes
Medium: Elizabeth Mack
Date: June, 2022
Location: Liverpool, NY
(Prayer)It is a relationship, a communing between two souls, one of God’s and one of the pray-er: It is a sacred interaction; a Divine Love prayer is one in which the pray-er’s soul opens to receive the sacred love which comes only from God, a love that is active, alive, nourishing, nurturing, satisfying, fulfilling, complete, everlasting, transformative, and the substance of God. It is different from all other loves. Its qualities are absorbed by the soul of the pray-er and awakens and enlivens the pray-er’s soul, more and more and more. It is the breadth of God, the life of God, the Truth of God, the joy of God all being received by the pray-er and held within the pray-er’s soul, igniting a new life within the soul, and energizing the soul and every part of the pray-er: body mind and soul. This love between God and the pray-er is unique and special to both and can never, ever, ever be taken away or removed. It only grows stronger with each communing. It is a sacred bond, never to be broken, not ever.
Spirit: John Hughes
Medium: Elizabeth Mack
Date: June, 2022
Location: Liverpool, NY
(Prayer)It is a relationship, a communing between two souls, one of God’s and one of the pray-er: It is a sacred interaction; a Divine Love prayer is one in which the pray-er’s soul opens to receive the sacred love which comes only from God, a love that is active, alive, nourishing, nurturing, satisfying, fulfilling, complete, everlasting, transformative, and the substance of God. It is different from all other loves. Its qualities are absorbed by the soul of the pray-er and awakens and enlivens the pray-er’s soul, more and more and more. It is the breadth of God, the life of God, the Truth of God, the joy of God all being received by the pray-er and held within the pray-er’s soul, igniting a new life within the soul, and energizing the soul and every part of the pray-er: body mind and soul. This love between God and the pray-er is unique and special to both and can never, ever, ever be taken away or removed. It only grows stronger with each communing. It is a sacred bond, never to be broken, not ever.